The energies in January 2018
Anette Halfon
A new year has just started full of hopes, plans, ideas, but also feelings of hesitation or even fear.
A transition is always a time of uncertainty, challenge and opportunity!
Lets see how we can transform these energies to our personal benefit and advantage.
The Chinese New Year will begin only in February, but we can feel the change of energies already and this turmoil of old and new energies is creating these mixed feelings of hope and fear, decisions and hesitations and much more of contradicting forces, which we can see also in some strong results in nature during this time of the year.
In this January 2018 there are very practical energies on one hand, but also lots of contemplating and thoughtful energies on the other.
A thorough cleaning of your space and making order, will help to balance the energies in your home and office. You might also consider a sage clearing. You find some instructions in our article:
In January 2018 the fire element is not balanced, which reminds us of controlling our temper and taking care of environmental issues and our Mother Nature in general.
Personally, it will be a great month
for all the ones born in the years of
Ox, Snake, Rooster and Rat.
A bit more challenging it might be
for all born in the years of
Goat and Dog.
Please take a few precautions.
- Don’t exaggerate in any activity!
- Don’t do any extreme or dangerous sport!
- Be careful driving and follow the rules!
- The Chinese remedy: take a Rat charm with you in this month.
You can find your Year or Zodiac animal here:
Excellent Feng Feng Shui will enter the homes and buildings
which have their front towards the
West and the North-East!