How to buy olive oil:
- “excellent virgin” only!
- up to 1% per cent percentage of acid
- The validity of Olive oil is two years only! Check the expiration date.
- Biological agriculture
Qualities of olive oil:
Balancing the level of blood pressure,
preventing heart attack and high cholesterol and
many diseases such as cancer of colon, ovarian and more.
Very rich in vitamin E Olive oil helps to keep a young and healthy skin!
Best for your skin:
Swallow every morning a teaspoon of olive oil, before anything else. But let becomes reasonable. It’s enough to do some of the following treatments, based on olive oil and your skin, your hair and nails will benefit and thank you.
Facial Mask:
Mix some olive oil with almond oil and massage it into the skin, wait for an hour and wash with soap and water.
For dry skin: repeat operation three times a week.
For normal skin: once a week.
Swallow every morning a teaspoon of olive oil, before anything else. But let becomes reasonable. It’s enough to do some of the following treatments, based on olive oil and your skin, your hair and nails will benefit and thank you.
Mask for dry lips:
Mix the content of a capsule of Vitamin “E” with a tablespoon of olive oil and massage it into the skin. Wait half an hour to an hour (you can even sleep with it at night) and rinse with water.
Magic Mask for all skin types:
Mix well a tablespoon of yeast, half a tablespoon of plain yogurt, a teaspoon of each: lemon juice, orange juice, carrot juice and a teaspoon of olive oil and let it soak for ten minutes. Then spread on your face. Let it on for another ten minutes and rinse with water. Your skin will glow!!!
Hair -Mask:
Beat 2 egg yolks in a bowl, add half a teaspoon of wine vinegar and one teaspoon lemon juice, and add gradually a cup of olive oil. Mix it well to get a thick “mayonnaise”. Spread liberally on your hair and massage it well into the scalp. Wait ten minutes, rinse well and wash with shampoo.
Your hair becomes silky, smooth and shiny.
Mask for strengthening the hair roots:
Fill a jar with rosemary leaves and cover them with olive oil. Wait patiently for two – three weeks, by turning the jar upside down every day. After the waiting, filter the oil and squeeze the leaves. Spread the mixture on the hair and massage into the scalp. After waiting an hour wash your hair as usual. The treatment is repeated once – twice a week.
Treatment to prevent hair falling out:
Warm up a little olive oil, spread it and massage it with your fingers on the scalp. It’s recommended to repeat the treatment every night until the problem is solved.
Hair mask for fine, thin and lifeless hair:
Mix one egg with a teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread the paste on the scalp, massage it well and wrap your head with a plastic cover, wait for ten minutes, rinse and wash as usual.
Treatment against dandruff:
Mix together 1 spoon of olive oil and 1 spoon of alcohol 20%, and massage into the scalp. Leave it on over night and wash in the morning.
The result: your hair roots are strengthened and your problematic dandruff is over.
Soothing and energizing bath:
Add to your warm water a palm of seaweed, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 drops of lavender oil, and enjoy your bath for 20 minutes.
Removal of nicotine stains on your teeth:
Mix well 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of table salt and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, dip your toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth. The mixture can be saved for reuse in the refrigerator.
Treatment to extend and strengthen eyelashes:
Every night add some Vaseline mixed with olive oil on your lashes with a toothpick wrapped in cotton wool. You should see results fast!
Treatment to remove dry skin around the nails:
Soak the fingers in a bowl with warm olive oil for 4-5 minutes. Then wrap your fingers in a warm, damp towel. Skin and nails get soft and flexible. The nails get a soft shine. You can repeat this once – twice a week, depending on the skin.
Mask against dry skin on elbows and feet:
Mix an egg yolk with two tablespoons of olive oil and one spoon of almond oil, massage the dry areas and rinse after about 10 minutes.
Treatment for stronger nails:
Mix well two tablespoons of Lecithin or Vaseline cream and two tablespoons of olive oil. Spread the mixture on the nails, wait for 15 minutes and remove.
Warm up a little olive oil; dip your fingers in the warm oil for 20-15 minutes.
Treatment against puffiness & wrinkles under the eyes:
Mix two tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey and a few drops of warm water, spread around the eyes and wait ten minutes before rinsing.
Place cucumber slices dipped in the mixture of olive oil and honey under your eyes. All black morning shadows disappear!
It’s worth trying. You deserve to be beautiful!
Recommendations of the Council of Olive Oil, Naomi Lebanon – Arch, Israel
By: Nisim Zamir
Based on a research conducted at the Technion University, Haifa, Israel