Your favorable directions

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Everyone prefers a certain place, room or chair, where he feels better, can relax or concentrate. There are other places at home, which are rarely used at all.

Did you ever think about the reason for this common fact?

Why is it that your son doesn’t do his homework sitting at his brand new desk, or your girl prefers sleeping uncomfortably between you and your wife instead resting nicely in her beautiful pink Disney bed? Maybe it’s not just because of being spoilt!

According to the ancient theory of Feng Shui everyone has got certain directions, which are favorable for him personally for concentration and well being and others that are not beneficial at all. Everyone can feel the difference. Especially our children are still very sensitive and know exactly which direction is good for them and which not.

When my little son was just one year old we moved to our new home and he got the room next to our bedroom. The little room was nicely decorated and made for his needs, but my son wouldn’t sleep there! Every night he would weak up and come to us and no reasons, no surprises in the morning or stories of angels would make him sleep the whole night in his beautiful bed.

By then I just started to get into Feng Shui and I checked his personal directions. It happened that the room itself and the bed’s direction didn’t suit him. That’s why he couldn’t sleep there! We changed rooms and he got a room to the south-east and the bed with its head to the east, both favorable directions for him and our son started to sleep the whole night through. Just early in the morning he still came to our bed for some hugs and kisses.

But not only kids are sensitive to their good directions, adults as well.

I’ve got lots of clients, who experienced the difference. One couple in Los Angeles asked for a consultation, because after they moved into a new rental, their kids got sick one after the other and the husband would prefer to work overtime, just to avoid being at home. And there was no problem with their relationship, he simply felt, that this house is not good for him. After checking the house I could understand them: this house was not made for this family and after they moved to a more suitable home, the whole family felt instantly better.

But not always you have to move to another place to feel better. Sometimes it’s enough to move your chair!

My friend, a great website builder (see mine!), told me, she was trying for hours to finish some work while staying on a business trip in a hotel and couldn’t get the work done. Then she remembered me and the importance of directions. She checked her current position, changed it according to her beneficial directions and finished her work in no time. Her command: “Why didn’t I think of this earlier?”

Now, I am sure you are curious to know your beneficial directions? No problem.

Just send me your birth date and I will check it up for you FREE!!!


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