The energies in June 2018

The Energies in June 2018


Oh yes, the last month of May was more than “interesting”,

and so will be the June ahead of us.


The main subject in this month of June will be Fire.

The fire element is extremely high and under pressure in this year,

that’s why we have so many nature phenomena

like the volcano outburst in Hawaii, wild fires, strange heat waves,

also shootings and missile attacks, like we had in Israel.

Also expect some more computer and internet problems and airplane incidents.


But the fire element also has its good sides which are lots of exciting events,

emotional reactions, happy happenings and gatherings.


June 2018 is the month of the Earth Horse.
It will start having impact from June 6 to July 6, 2018.


For the following, you will have to know your Year animal or the Chinese animal of the year you were born. If you are not sure, please see our article:


All of you born in the years of Tiger and Goat:

This month is going to be great for you!


All of you born in the years of the Horse:

It is your month, but don’t exaggerate in anything!

The Horses have the tendency to a certain “self-punishment”.

So, try not to create too much problems to your self

due to your easy excitement and overreactions.


All of you born in the years of the Rat:

please take a few precautions.

  • Don’t exaggerate in any activity!
  • Don’t do any extreme or dangerous sport!
  • Be careful driving and follow the rules!
  • The Chinese remedy: take a Goat charm with you in this month.


All the other Zodiac years are doing just fine!


Our advice for everyone in June:

  • Be careful around fire (open fire, oven, stove …)
  • Best colors in this month are all but red and earth shades like brown, yellow, beige or orange.
  • Keep the South and the South-West rooms in your home as quiet as possible!


Have a great June with beautiful and exciting events😊

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