The Energies in November 2018

The Energies in November 2018 The storm is almost behind us and the energies are much quieter. Let’s see what is waiting for us. The November month this year has very thoughtful and quiet energies from the outside, all the power turns inside. The water element is very strong which means great intellectual power, many […]
The energies in October 2018
The Energies in October 2018 As until now this year was not easy on many of us. This coming month will bring the last and also strongest conflict out. Let’s see what is waiting for us. The October month this year has very practical, but cold energies, caring and also calculating. Strong earth is crushing […]
The energies in September 2018
The Energies in September 2018 Energies are changing all the time, every year, every month, every day, even every hour. Let’s see what energy the coming month of September has waiting for us. The September month this year has very cold, mental, critical, but also very spiritual energies. There are holidays, festivities and parties, but […]
The energies in August 2018
The Energies in August 2018 August will bring harsh and strong energies into the world and our lives. The main component in this month of August will be the Metal element, which is related to law and order, authority, decisions and spirituality. There are no sentiments or feelings. It’s a very calculated and cold […]
The energies in July 2018
The Energies in July 2018 July will bring some more quiet and family minded energies into our lives. The main subject in this month of July will be the Earth element, which means family-mindfulness, stability, responsibility and food and digestion. The earth element is extremely high and dominant in this year, which means that […]
The energies in June 2018

The Energies in June 2018 Oh yes, the last month of May was more than “interesting”, and so will be the June ahead of us. The main subject in this month of June will be Fire. The fire element is extremely high and under pressure in this year, that’s why we have so […]
The energies in May 2018
The Energies in May 2018 Very high emotions and nervousness in in the air. That means for all of us to try to stay peaceful as much as possible, not to overreact and not to become hysterical. Problems might involve fires, heat waves, airplane accidents, computer and internet issues. On the physical side, […]
The energies in April 2018

The Energies in April 2018 Its going to be a very strong powered and “interesting” month with high emotions, much practical power and lots of clashing energies. The clashes can actually influence all aspects of life, but are mainly connected to traffic-, water- and fire accidents. Be very cautious and drive very responsible especially […]
The energies in March 2018
The Energies in March 2018 This whole New Year started with some strong and problematic energies with lots of accidents. But now in March the energies are still very fast and energetic, but also softer and homelier. The Spring holidays Easter and Passover are approaching and such many activities at home. It’s the ideal […]
The Energies in February 2018
The Energies in February 2018 The New Chinese Year is starting with lots of turmoil in activities and energies. Strong power is coming up, no patience, strong determination, uprising, even aggression and practical solutions. It is like fast-growing plants everywhere, in all places and locations, fascinating and scaring to the same time. There […]