The Energies of March 2022

The Energies in March 2022   Yes, there are a lot of things happening around the world. The Tiger Year has entered fast with aggressive energies, full of strong will power and decisions. So, let’s have a look at the energies and see what this is all about and what we can do.   We […]

The Energies in January 2022

The Energies in January 2022 Do you also have the feeling that all is stuck and nothing moves forward? You are not alone and you will understand in a minute, why your feeling is just right. Always the month of January is a bit problematic, as it is in between the old and the New […]

The Energies in December 2021

The Energies in December 2021   It is getting cold – cold – and colder! December is usually a month full of festivities, family gathering, candles, friends, Glühwein (the hot spicy German wine), Christmas markets, choir songs, beautiful decorations, excitement of the children, smiling people and a magic and nostalgic world for a few days. […]

The Energies in November 2021

The Energies in November 2021   Lots of things were happening in October, and it seems there is no end in sight yet. But the good news: people are starting to wake up and to think by themselves! November is the time to go inside, physically and mentally. People will start to question narratives, to […]

The Energies in October 2021

The Energies in October 2021   It is getting hot – boots on the ground. Catastrophes like volcano outbreaks, earth quakes, flooding and much more seem to become regular news with its apocalyptic sights.  Free nations become open prisons and personal freedom and decisions is getting an illusion from the past. Will this be our […]

The energies in September 2021

The Energies in September 2021   After an immense month of world-wide catastrophes, one after the other, from Afghanistan to hurricanes, we arrived at the peak, the final confrontation and the war. The power to reconstruct law and order to overcome the chaos, has started with uncountable law suits all over the world. But it […]

The Energies in August 2021

The Energies in August 2021   After a month of catastrophes, one after the other, we are heading to the final confrontation and battle. The power to reconstruct law and order will try to overcome the chaos. But it won’t be easy, as the lawful forces are under attack. It is still connected to young […]

The Energies in July 2021

The Energies in July 2021   There is a storm hurling all around us and in July we are in the eye of this storm, in the middle of turmoil and war. It is connected to young kids, especially girls and families. It will not be in the open, but hidden behind our backs. The […]

The energies in June 2021

The Energies in June 2021 What comes into your mind, when you imagine a herd of wild horses on a stampede? Can you feel the vibrating power, the excitement and the rush of adrenalin, but also the fear and the panic? That will be the general atmosphere in June with very high fire energies exploding […]

The Energies in May 2021

The Energies in May 2021 After more than a year of being more or less at home or isolated, being bombarded with fearmongering news and fake facts, being silenced and deprived of oxygen by having to wear masks, it is time to wake up and to take action. The Snake is striking and it’s hitting […]