The energies in March 2018
The Energies in March 2018 This whole New Year started with some strong and problematic energies with lots of accidents. But now in March the energies are still very fast and energetic, but also [...]
The Energies in February 2018
The Energies in February 2018 The New Chinese Year is starting with lots of turmoil in activities and energies. Strong power is coming up, no patience, strong determination, uprising, even aggression and practical [...]
The Year of the Dog 2018
February the 4th 2018 starts the Chinese New Year of the Dog To turn the energies of this year to our benefit, to success and to happiness, it's important to watch a few rules, [...]
The energies in January 2018
The energies in January 2018 Anette Halfon A new year has just started full of hopes, plans, ideas, but also feelings of hesitation or even fear. A transition is always a time of uncertainty, challenge [...]